Over the past few years, many organizations have been attacked by data breaches and ransomware. The volume of these attacks, especially those that are successful, has increased to a level that has raised significant concern especially for organizations such as government agencies, health facilities and banks.

An issue that almost every group encounters is that the internal security teams take the approach that firewalls and network security are sufficient to protect data, but that is not the case for electronic records. Electronic records need a higher level of protection that can only be provided through the implementation of trustworthy electronic content solutions that incorporate records management integration and secure and trustworthy storage technologies.

Securing Electronic Documents

Robert M. Blatt has more than 35 plus years extensive technical experience working with numerous content/records management technologies focusing on trustworthiness of electronic records implementations . This experience ranges from the technical development, analysis, design, project management and oversight roles through full solution implementation including integration with other business systems

Accredited as an AIIM-Master of Information Technology in 1997, and AIIM-Document Imaging Laureate in 1998. Received the Laureate credentials and recognition in Document Imaging in 1998 and the Laureate Change Management When Using Document/Records credentials and recognition in Workflow technologies in 1998. Appointed to US TAG to ISO TC/171 in 1998, this committee represents US interests in the Content/ Document Management and Workflow industries establishing international standards.

Blatt is the chairperson of several content/document management industry-standard-setting committees and a current member of the industry standards board. Mr. Blatt has developed and participated in the development of numerous ECM industry ISO standards and best practices plus he is an acknowledged international industry expert and analyst. Blatt has been President and Principal Consultant

with Electronic Image Designers (EID), Inc., since 1994. EID is one of the industry’s first vendor-neutral consulting organizations focusing on record/document management assessments, planning, design, and implementation oversight efforts.

Contact information:

Robert Blatt, MIT, LIT, CHPA-III
EID, Inc.
Office: (805) 529-0600
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertblatt/